The following article was in the Press dated 21 August 1872 and has my ancestor Jabez Lord giving evidence.
Maliciously Wounding Cattle. — Martin Kemp and William Kingdon,
surrendered to their bail, to answer further to this charge. Mr Joynt
appeared for the defence. Peter Pender, Inspector of Police, deposed—On
the l5th instant, I proceeded to the house of prisoner Kingdon's father,
and where the two prisoners live. In the kitchen I found the gun
produced. It appeared to have been recently discharged. I had it taken
to Christchurch, and examined by Mr Manning, the gunsmith. It was the
only gun I could find in the house. The inmates of the house denied
that there was any other gun there. I searched for ammunition, but only
found some powder. On the morning of the 16th, I took the distances from
Davies' house to the house of a man named Williams, who lives on the
opposite side of the road from Kingdon's paddock. It is thirty chains
from Davies' house to Williams', which is opposite Kingdon's paddock.
There is only a road and a small garden between them. The distance from
Williams, to Kingdon's house is about eight or nine chains. The public
pound is close to Kingdon's paddock. I examined the outside of Williams'
house and found that the end of it fronts to Kingdon's. There were
marks on Williams' house, which might have been caused by shot, but I
will not say they had been. I saw a boy named John Knapp at Kingdon's
house, and I had the boy taken away by the father. The lad will be
called as a witness. By Mr Joynt — There seemed to be a fresh,
appearance of smoke about the nipple and hammer. The broken cap was on
the nipple, but I do not give that as a reason. The gap in the fence is
not in a direct line between Kingdon's and Williams' house. The houses
are nearly opposite, one on the right and the other on the left of the
road. The gap in the fence is at the furthest corner from the house in
Kingdon's paddock, and next to the road. The fence of the paddock along
the road and the one which divides the paddock from the adjoining land
run from the gap. The fence along the road is an ordinary sod fence,
about three or four feet high. If it was shot that struck the side of
Williams' house it must have been spent shot. The marks were very
slight, and that is why I cannot swear that the marks were made by shot.
I did see other marks on the side of the house of a somewhat similar
character near the corner; a gun might have been fired from Mr
Kingdon's paddock so as to strike both sides of the house. I saw no
marks that I could positively swear to as being the marks of shot. A boy
named John Knapp, ten years of age, was called, but his Worship, after
putting several questions to whether he understood the nature of an
oath, refused to take his evidence, as he clearly did not understand the
obligations of an oath. Ann Dahlia Williams, the wife of Henry
Williams, poundkeeper at Courtenay, deposed— I live a short distance on
this side of Mr Watson's accommodation house. The two prisoners live at
Mr Kingdon's. On Tuesday morning, the 13th inst., I was disturbed by
the report of two guns. I was in bed awake. It was first at daylight, I
heard one gun discharged, and the second one quickly afterwards. I was
sleeping in that part of the house near the road and closest to
Kingdon's house and paddock. I was sleeping in the end of the house. The
reports came from across the road towards Mr Kingdon's. It appeared to
come straight across. I heard something rattling against the house, and
took it to be shot. I heard the noise against the house after both the
shots. It was almost at the same time. By Mr Joynt-The reports were
loud and sharp. I cannot say whether they were in the road or not. I am
certain something rattled against the house like peas. It was just
daylight. I could see anything in the room. Henry Williams, husband of
the last witness, deposed —I know the two horses of Mr. Davies'. One is a
bay mare, and the other is a chesnut gelding. They have been in the
pound two or three times. Mr Kingdon impounded them. They were chiefly
impounded by William Kingdon, the prisoner, for trespassing on their
land sometimes for trespassing on the land near the house, and in the
paddock opposite the house. On Tuesday morning last I was awakened about
day-break by some noise against the house. I could not say what it was. I
afterwards saw the fwo horses about nine o'clock that morning at Jason
Davies'; they were both shot, I could feel shot in the skin of the
horses. They had been shot at. Before I saw the horses I was with a man
named Lord. I know a gap in Mr Kingdon's paddock. Lord and myself
went together to see the horses, and we passed along the road by the
gap; soon after we passed the ground we saw blood on the snow, there
were also the tracks of two horses in the snow. We traced back the blood
and tracks to the gap leading into Kingdon's paddock, but went no
further. We then went to Davies' and traced the blood and tracks to
about opposite the pound. After we saw the horses, we came back and
traced the blood and tracks about five yards inside the gap in Kingdon's paddock. At this time Arthur Davies was with us. The horse
tracks lead from out of Kingdon's paddock towards Davies' house. We
did not trace the tracks in paddock beyond about five yards, because we thought we had no right to go further. By Mr Joynt—-I don't know now
what it was that rattled against the house. I don't recollect any other
person than prisoner (Kingdon) impounding the horses. I knew
the bay mare well before Davies' had her. I did not know the other
horse so well. I should have known him if I saw him. I did not know he
was a gelding. I saw some shot in the horse cloth on one of the horses.
They were very small. Jabez Lord deposed —I am a farmer, living near
Watson's, at Courtenay. I recollect the morning of Tuesday last. I saw
Davies' horses ; one is a little bay mare, and a sort of a brown
gelding. They had been shot. I could see the shots in them, and they
were bleeding a little. I think I must have seen them the evening before
on the reserve in front of my own place. The reserve is between
Kingdon's paddock and Davies'. After I had seen the horses I went to Mr
Anderson's [Anderton's] beyond Kingdon's. There was snow on the ground. In coming
back from Mr Anderson's [Anderton's] I met Mr Williams near his own gate, I noticed
blood on the road. I turned back and traced it into Kingdon's paddock.
The tracks were down the fence side. They were about five or six yards
in the paddock. They were the tracks of two horses. We then traced the
tracks and blood along the road towards Davies'; there was a great
difference in the size of the tracks. Considering the direction in which
the tracks were coming, the shots from Kingdon's paddock might have
struck Williams' house. By Mr Joynt—I saw the blood on the road, in
drops here and there; in some places three or four yards apart. Both
the horses were bleeding from the head; they were both wounded in the
head. One horse had a cloth on. I cannot say positively that I saw the
horses the evening before. I don't know where the horses were the
night before. I saw Jason Davies the night before (Monday). I parted
with him at Watson's after eleven o'clock ; I was home before twelve
o'clock. I think I left Davies there. I heard nothing about the horses
being tied up the night before. I went home by myself. I was sober when I
left Davies at the Halfway house. Joseph Allen deposed—I am a
veterinary surgeon living in Christchurch. I went up to Courtenay on
Wednesday, the 14th inst. I examined one chesnut gelding and one bay
mare, the property of Jason Davies'. They had been severely injured by
shot. There were about fifty shot in the two horses. I extracted fifteen
shot on the Wednesday. I produce them. Some of the shot had gone in an
inch and a half into the muscular fibre. I took nineteen shot out of the
horses this morning. The chesnut gelding had been shot in the eye and
in the chest. They had not been shot broadside. They were injured on the
off side, the shot penetrated obliquely. The horses must have been
facing the man when shot at. Both the horses are to a certain extent
permanently injured. I extracted a shot from the bay mare's leg. By Mr
Joynt— The horses will always be sore when worked. The gun produced I
think would not do all the injury at one shot. The shot in both the
animals took the same direction. I would consider from the appearance of
the wounds that the person who shot at them was standing about eight or
nine yards. Harry Daniel Manning, gunmaker, Christchurch, deposed—I
examined the gun produced on Saturday last. It appears to have been
discharged a few days before. It would kill a duck at eighty or ninety
yards. Spent shot would go further. By Mr Joynt—The gun was discharged
within a week before Saturday. The breech was partly dry when I examined
it. When a gun is discharged the breech is damp and then it gets dry,
it again gets damp, and after drying again it rusts. I don't think the
weather would affect the dampness of the breech. I don't think the damp
would dry quicker in summer. I had the gun in my possession about an
hour. The mould occurs in the breech after the second damp, about ten
days afterwards. I have had considerable experience in guns. I could not
say to a day or two when a gun is discharged. William Shipley deposed—I
live at Courtenay at Mr Davies'. On Tuesday last the two horses came
home in the morning. I first saw them whilst I was at the " Half-way
house." I turned them loose on the night previous. I did not bring them
back again. I next saw them on the Tuesday morniug, when they were
injured. Mr Pender here again called the attention of the Beiach to the
boy Knapp, and asked if he might give evidence without being sworn. His
Worship said he could not allow this; the law requires that the witness
should understand the nature of an oath before his evidence could be
taken. The Inspector then asked that the case might be adjourned, in
order that the boy might be taught, as he was in a position to state
that the boy's evidence would bring the charge distinctly home to the
two prisoners. Mr Joynt stated that when such a statement was made the
Court should only be too careful in allowing a lad who was in such a
state of ignorance as to the nature of an oath to give evidence. Mr
Pender stated that the boy told him in his father's presence that he was
not to say anything. On being further questioned by His Worship the boy
staged that Mrs Kingdon had told him not to say anything. His Worship
said that he was very loath to shut out any evidence, but he really
could not swear the boy, as he could not answer correctly the simplest
question as to his religious duties. Mr Pender next called John Kingdon,
a brother of one of the prisoners, who deposed—l live with my father at
Courtenay. I know Jason Davies' horses. I get up about a quarter to
seven. Kemp and my brother slept in the same room. I did not hear any
shot fired. The gun produced belongs to Mr Anderson. I had borrowed it.
Folston's gan was in our house some time back, but he took it away some
few days ago and sold it. I saw no horses in the paddock that morning.
By Mr Joynt—It was broad daylight when I got up : the gun was last fired
at a sea-gull. We have not had any shot in the house for some time. My
brother and Kemp were with mc from the time my father called until we
went to breakfast. We went into the stable, and all remained there till
we were called for breakfast. I heard no shots fired. I did not get up
till a quarter to seven. Jonathan Kingdon, the father of last witness,
deposed—I have had occasion to have Davies' horses impounded. They were
in my paddock again on Monday, and I cautioned Davies. I have not seen
the horses since. My son William and the two prisoners all got up
together at about a quarter to seven. I had called them before that, and
my son said it was a quarter to four. I did not see them with any gun
that morning. I know the gun produced. It was not loaded. Folston had
taken his gun away. There was no other gun in the house. I heard no
other shots fired. On Thursday night last my son went to Folston about
some cattle. By Mr Joynt—l have often called the boys before four, to
know what time it was. There was no shot in the house or caps either. I
did not hear any gun fired that morning. I had no quarrel with Jason
Davies. This closed the case for the prosecution. Mr Joynt contended
that no evidence h a d beep adduced to the prisoner with the
charge, pis Worship dismissed the information.
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